Brave browser main features and making money while surfing the web? Looking for Brave browser tricks? Another thing that makes it a bit unique, the quality ads matching. Wrong ad matching is one of the reasons why some users hate ads. With BAT model, a user can select the ads he or she wants to see. The platform however, shields the anonymity of users while assuring the authenticity of their viewing. It is, therefore, safe to say that BAT represents a fundamental rethinking of the way digital ads are delivered. By the time of writing this article, BAT had a market capitalization of $244,798,134. Compared to the dollar, BAT is valued at $0.196773.
Brave has also created much ease for its users by providing the on-swipe accessibility to the currently opened tabs of the browser. Just swipe left for the previous or right for the next opened tab on the address bar for viewing your desired web page. Sounds cool? Isn’t it? Another worth mentioning feature of brave’s android application is that you can preview all your opened tabs on a single swipe. Is this swipe right, left, up or down? Yes! You guessed it right. Just swipe down on your address bar for previewing your tabs.
Brave Rewards: Brave Ads do not replace current web page ads. By default, Brave blocks privacy-invading web ads and trackers that are embedded in page content. Joining Brave Rewards and viewing Brave Ads does not affect your current blocking settings for each website you visit. The ads you see as part of Brave Rewards are shown separately from your browsing experience and are not the same as the invasive, performance-sapping ads embedded in websites.
Other browsers claim to have a “private mode,” but this only hides your history from others using your browser. Brave lets you use Tor right in a tab. Tor not only hides your history, it masks your location from the sites you visit by routing your browsing through several servers before it reaches your destination. These connections are encrypted to increase anonymity. Read additional details at Brave browser download.
Defaults that matter: Browse confidently with default settings that block phishing, malware, and malvertising. Also, plugins, which have proven to be a security risk, are disabled by default. Sync your devices bravely: Brave Sync, currently in beta, can be enabled to encrypt and synchronize your preferred settings and bookmarks. However, Brave does not have the keys to decrypt your data. Tip on Twitch: Tip your favorite streamers directly while watching. When you visit Twitch in the Brave Browser for Desktop, you can use the Brave Rewards button in the address bar to send your favorite streamers a tip instantly. Are you a Twitch streamer? Get verified on to collect your tips.