Parenting recommendations by Marissa Anastasi: Be easier on yourself. Know that some days you can’t do it all. I’m a stay at home Mom but I consider it my job to keep my kids and hubby happy, healthy and keep up with the house. Honestly, I’m still trying to find the right balance, but being easy on myself and knowing that some days I cannot do it all is okay. Some days the kids are happy and we went somewhere fun but we have frozen pizza for dinner and some days the kids watch three movies in a row so that I can catch up on laundry and prepare a healthy dinner.
Remember That Nothing Goes as Planned. “This is basically just a good lesson for life, period. But the birth, labor, and delivery rarely go exactly how you envision or plan for it to unfold. So the best advice we ever received is to remember that whatever is going to happen, is going to happen,” Kelly and Perren say. “There is no amount of planning, wishing, or hoping that will change it. So try your best to relax and be accepting of this. It will make a huge difference in how you experience this life-changing moment.” Stay Nourished. “Now isn’t the time to cut calories or go on a restrictive eating plan,” Scott says. “This is so important for a healthy mama and baby. Make sure you’re nourishing your body so you can be fueled to care for your little one. Concentrate on nutrient-packed foods that are rich in calcium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin B6, and folate,” she advises.
To many parents (and people – teachers, doctors, etc) teenagers are creatures to be regarded with some degree of caution. The horror stories of teens who dress all in black, paint their fingernails black and walk around with a sullen look on their faces is enough to send even the toughest parent scrambling for cover. We hear stories of teenagers who come home from school or work, head straight to their room where they turn up some awful racket that they call music and disconnect from the rest of the family. This does not have to happen; you can have a good relationship with your teen, even a fun one. If you have not done things to cultivate that relationship when they were younger, don’t worry. It is never too late to develop a relationship with you child. Discover a few extra details on Motherhood advices.
Connection in my parenting journey, and especially in my relationship, because we have someone that we made together that we both love so much. The connection with this little person who shows up every day with their heart on their sleeve is the most profound love. Having a whole new perspective on life. The little things don’t seem to matter so much any more. I am responsible for another human being and that is more important than any issues at work or car troubles.
Hey, my name is Marissa and I’m a mummy to 4. I’m 34 years old and live in the sunny Mediterranean island, Cyprus. Larnaca to be precise!. You can read more about me and a brief description of my journey so far on my introduction blog. 2020 is when I officially started blogging. I remember up until I met my husband at 16, I always used to write a daily diary of my day, my feelings and just whatever came to mind. Starting to write again is nice but at the same time, a little out my comfort zone knowing that people might read it! Since moving to Cyprus, I have pushed myself and have been given the confidence by my family into things I have never tried before but always wanted to do. Thanks for joining me on my journey and I hope you enjoy the blogs. Find extra details at