Highest profits on YT ? Once YouTube’s top-earning star, the gamer, who was born Felix Kjellberg, has managed to shrug off a number of controversies—including racist and anti-Semitic videos. He announced this month, though, that he’s taking a break from YouTube. One of two newcomers on this year’s list, Preston Arsement got his start playing Call of Duty and quickly became so popular that he started posting friendly pranks in addition to his gaming content. Outside of YouTube, his biggest moneymakers are the Minecraft servers he runs for seven figures annually.
Who’d have thought that a WWE-produced movie could be so good? The story of real life professional wrestler Paige arrives as a somewhat-biographical film of her ascent to fame. After getting the opportunity to audition for the WWE, Paige (who is actually named Saraya) and her brother take their shot, but when she makes it further than him, it’s up to her to stay strong when she’s (literally) against the ropes.
Ultimate Dog Tease: The “Ultimate Dog Tease” 2011 clip by Andrew Grantham features a cute little doggy who really loves food and cannot believe his owner is being so stingy with said food. Oh, and, the dog can talk. There’s a reason why this video has been viewed 200 million times. FailArmy Logo: FailArmy has one of the most addictive YouTube channels around. Go back in time to the 2013 “Ultimate Fails” compilation. While every year brings the funny, the 2013 compilation is one of the most viewed humor clips on YouTube. Filled with hilarious (and often painful-looking!) fails, this is 33 minutes of pure laughter. See extra funny clips on YT.
Best clip for a song in 2019 ? Self-destructive behaviour wouldn’t be so common if there were no thrill involved: the fantasy that your desires might pan out after all, even though you know there’s not a hope in hell. It’s that perverse optimism that Mark Ronson captures in Late Night Feelings. Even as Lykke Li catalogues the torments doled out by her would-be lover, the distant steel pan chime, sparkling disco chorus and sugar-spun melodies maintain the glimmering mirage of possibility.