Excellent law assistance NJ, USA from Sandy Ferner? What Should I Do if I Don’t Have Control of the Finances? When a client doesn’t control the money, they can be confused what to do. In that situation, the first thing they need to realize is that you don’t need necessarily to have control over the finances or a job or direct income to you to pay your legal fees or retain an attorney. A lot of times, courts are going to award attorney fee awards along the way to make sure that the marital income and assets is fairly utilized by both sides to have access to legal counsel. The first thing to just take a deep breath over is it’s not a question of not having access to have a lawyer. You unquestionably have access to a lawyer, and most attorneys like ourselves are going to give you a free consultation up front anyway to help you navigate through those situations to not only help you retain an attorney but to pay your bills regularly and continuously each and every day. See even more info at Sandy Ferner.
Law tip today with Sandy Ferner : Sometimes our discovery demands, which our client faces and has to produce, are voluminous. Sometimes there are thousands of pages and rather than pay us to copy those, go do it yourself. Go to a Staples or go to a Kinko’s, if they even have Kinko’s. Bring your copies, do your homework. When we ask you to fill out things like a case information statement and bring tax returns and give me statements, get those on your own. It costs money to subpoena documents. It cost money to ask for documents through discovery in the other side. The less paperwork we can do to get the paperwork – if that makes any sense – the better it is for you.
The full impact of sustaining a brain injury often doesn’t happen at the moment of impact but gradually over time. Our firm is experienced in handling these types of cases and understands the toll traumatic brain injuries can take on you and your family. We are committed to fighting for your best interest! Learn more about how we can help you today. Whether your burn injury is a chemical burn, an electrical burn, or a burn caused by fire or scalding, our firm is prepared to fight for you. Let our team of qualified attorneys fight for the compensation you deserve while you focus on what is most important, recovering from your injuries. Learn more about what we can do for you today.
After the lawsuit is filed, the creditor will hire a constable or private process server whose job is to deliver a copy of the lawsuit to you (this process is what is referred to as ‘being served’). The constable or private process server will usually be looking for you at your last known address. Occasionally they will attempt to serve you are your place of employment. If the constable or private process server cannot find you to serve you (for example, if they have an incorrect or outdated address or if you are at work each time they come by), the lawyers may ask the judge for permission to serve you by another method – such as leaving the lawsuit at your house with anyone over the age of 16 or affixing the lawsuit to your door.
If there’s a parent refusing to allow parenting time and that refusal is unjustifiable and unreasonable, you need to get into court quick. We need to get the judge to address that, and we need to get that client to exercise parenting time right away. In New Jersey, parenting time simply replaced what used to be called visitation. In New Jersey, we have two types of custody – legal custody and residential custody. In the vast majority of cases, our clients share joint legal custody of their children, which means they make decisions jointly for the child regarding health, education and welfare. Residential custody comes down to where the child is spending most of his or her time. If mom has the child most of the time and dad has alternate weekends and a mid-week dinner or overnight, mom has residential custody and would be called the parent of primary residence, and dad would be called the parent of alternate residence. His time with the children is called parenting time, what used to be called visitation.
Justice Albin has recently retired but he was able to dutifully further protect defendant’s Miranda rights. We hope the new court will take over and continue his legacy. If some of the newer justices on the court choose to do so, they could make it illegal for law enforcement officers to lie and use trickery to gain a confession out of defendants. We have successfully argued in court when we see our clients’ Miranda rights being violated and thus obtain great results. At the Law Offices of Eric B. Morrell, we keep up to date with the latest case law that could apply to our clients and be used to their advantage. An experienced criminal defense lawyer knows when and how to argue for Miranda rights violations.