Boardroom & voting software by Autogenerate your App’s Actions! It is really super-easy to generate all available Actions in your API/App by pointing out the OpenAPI/Swagger file. Copyl Integration Platform parses this file and adds all available Actions together with information about fields needed. Even the documentation is available in CIP afterwards. You need to manually start the parser from the administration interface of your app. You can delete any unwanted Actions afterwards and you can also hide them when generating the Swagger file.
Copyl started out from our own needs. We had an agency with 30 consultants and we were planning them all in an Excel sheet. We love Excel but we quickly got different planning in the projects and in the resource planning. We needed something more connected. And something that we could follow up in the time sheets and billing process. After a few years with this planning system we got a call from a big organization in Sweden that needed a ERP system. We scanned the market for them, not able to find a perfect match. We had a meeting and we showed them we showed how we managed our own resource planning. Instantly the customer said that they wanted that system. Copyl 1.0 was born. This was 2011. See extra details at Get reminded before a contract reaches a deadline. We will send you an email before any important deadline on your contracts. Your colleagues will get the email if they are conntected to the contract.
All Contracts in one place! See current and past contracts from the overview page. Group by supplier, customer or status. Discuss and follow up on tasks: All contracts have their own forum were you and the counterparts can discuss the contract. The Task Management system in Copyl is also automatically connected to each contract. Integrated with Search and other pages: The contracts appears on the related contacts, search, projects and other pages were the contract is connected.
Copyl has a solution for the biggest challenges. How do microservices communicate with each other? The absolute most common communication between microservices are via REST API. It’s done over https and requires no or very little configuration on the network. We recommend to use the standard methods for your api requests; GET for fetching data, POST for saving new data, PUT for updating and DELETE for deletion. PATCH can also be used for updating, it’s a matter of taste. Read additional info at
Expect data to be inconsistent: There is no Foreign Keys connections between databases in different microservices. Presume the data is inconsistent between different systems and manage that. We cannot make isolated transactions over multiple microservices. Create local transactions if needed. Use Saga Management to orchestrate requests, enable error handling and enable rollbacks over multiple microservices. Database documentation in OpenAPI (e.g. Swagger): We recommend that the database model is defined together with the api and therefore also enjoy the automatic OpenAPI documentation.