Cool news and top shopping items? If you use any type of transportation, ask for a senior discount. This is especially true for those who use public transportation. You could save a significant amount of money on these discounts. Big Lots: Some locations offer discount savings cards. Some locations offer up to 10 percent off through their discount programs. Goodwill: Perhaps one of the best known locations for savings. Seniors can get between 10 and 20 percent off one day each week. Locations set the dates that work for their needs. Bealls Outlet: Seniors get 15 percent off every Tuesday. Target: Limited access to senior discounts is available at Target. However, some locations may offer discounts on specific days for various events. Marshall’s: Marshall’s provides seniors with limited discounts. Special offers may be available at some locations. Kmart: A limited number of stores still offer the senior discount of 40 percent off on Wednesdays for seniors over 50.
Yes indeed: all Pandora bracelets carry a special meaning, whatever meaning you choose to give them in fact. This is because you can choose whichever charms you like, each having their own significance. There are Pandora charms of various themes from friendship and love to Christmas, travel, family, and animals. Each of these small pieces represents an idea, allowing the wearer to choose those that best represent their passions and dreams. If you love photography you may choose a charm in the form of a camera. Alternatively, you could give your love a heart-shaped charm, or wear a clover or horseshoe for luck.
Tired of your usual recipes? Eating out every night isn’t an option for most people. But you can take tips from chefs with restaurant cooking hacks at home. Using the same cooking methods as restaurant chefs can ramp up the flavor of your favorite recipes for dinner. These kitchen hacks are easy enough for anyone to use. Keep reading to learn 10 top tips for restaurant-style meals at home. Read additional information at 10 Restaurant Style Cooking Hacks to Try at Home.
There are 100+ washing machine models in the market today. This makes the task of selecting the right washing machine tough. This situation is further exacerbated with each brand rolling out its own jargons rechristened as ‘features’. It becomes difficult to conclude some simple facts: how well do washing machines will clean the soiled clothes, how much water will they consume in the process and at what is the running cost in terms of electricity bills. In this buying guide we will try to answer these common queries and simplify the buying predicament for you with a side-by-side comparison of different types of washer styles. Also, we will compare and understand key features and technologies modern models come with, which you should know to make a better buying decision.
Kentucky Fried Chicken, now known as KFC and part of parent company Yum! Brands (NYSE: YUM), serves its fare in more than 20,000 locations in more than 125 countries. The company reportedly offers seniors aged 55 and up a free small drink when they order an entree. That might not sound like much, but if you frequent KFC and would normally buy a small drink for, say, $1.49 once a week, you’re looking at annual savings of $77. Not every location will offer a discount, though, so check first. Read additional information at