Life insurance unbiased advices: Know how much you want covered. A good rule of thumb is to cover ten times your annual income until your kids have finished education. This isn’t hard and fast, and depending on the type of cover that you’re buying, you might just want to go with what you find affordable. Think about the debts you need paid off, and make sure it’s enough.
See Your Family Doctor Before You Apply for a Policy. Whether you are applying for low cost Term life insurance or opting for a Permanent life insurance policy – All standard forms of life insurance require you to take a medical exam. The reason we suggest you see your doctor before applying is to make sure you have taken care of any unresolved issues listed on your medical records to ensure they are properly updated. Many life insurers require a review of your latest medical records from your family doctor. If you have made any recent lifestyle or health changes since your last medical exam, you want them reflected on your medical records before you apply.
There is no reason that people can’t have multiple insurance policies to handle multiple issues. For example, having term insurance when your children are young that would cover through their college years is common. That might be coupled with a whole life policy that is for business continuity purposes. This policy would give the business partners the liquidity to buy out a partner in the event of his or her death, providing heirs with cash in lieu of a business interest. Read additional info on Life Insurance Quotes Pennsylvania.
On the other hand, permanent life insurance can also be an important part of your lifetime financial plan. It’s flexible, and can help you meet a number of important goals, including protecting your income building equity, providing an additional source of retirement income, and leaving a financial legacy for your loved ones. You can supplement retirement income by taking loans or withdrawals from accumulated cash value (although the policy’s cash value and death benefit are reduced by the amount taken, plus any loan interest charged). The financial strength and reputation of the company you buy it from matters.
What does that mean for you? Their hands are tied – they simply can’t give you access to the full range of choices available. So you could be missing out on a great rate and never even know it. Without the pressure of satisfying a sales quota, we are free to give professional advice based on what is best for YOU in your current situation. We are committed to understanding the situation that you are in and what insurance is best for your needs. Discover extra info at